
Become the Baccarat Dragon Master at Bet365 Casino

Baccarat Dragon MasterBet365 Casino is running a great new promotion that gives baccarat fans a run for their money. From June 12th until July 13th, players have a chance to prove that they have what it takes to become the Baccarat Dragon Master. The casino is offering the chance to opt in and earn as many points as they can to take the challenge.

The promotion includes a qualifying round, where R150,000 in prizes will be handed out each day. Play baccarat on the days of the qualifying round from now until July 1st to earn points. If you are among the 200 players with the highest amounts each day, you’ll earn hot prizes.

At the end of the qualifying round, the total points earned are added together to determine your position in the Division Round which will run from July 4th – July 8th. Bet365 Casino will give away R5,700,000 worth of prizes in this round!

The seven top players from the Division Round will be invited to complete from July 11th until July 13th in a final showdown where yet another R1,260,000 will be put up for grabs. All seven players will take home a cash prize, with the top player – the Baccarat Dragon Master – winning R500,000.

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